New Years Resolution? Consider Cooltone!

Diet and exercise are essential to a successful New Years resolution! However, how would you like to have six pack abs, a defined buttocks or firmer thighs? Cooltone by Coolsculpting can help!
As a top twin cities board certified dermatologist, I try to stay abreast of the latest and greatest body sculpting devices. Cooltone is a device that strengthens and tones muscles utilizing magnetic muscle stimulation, which simulates the muscles underneath to involuntarily contract. It stimulates thousands of sit ups in a short treatment session. It helps to build muscle fibers similar to working out.
The number of treatments you'll need in order to notice a difference will depend on your individual anatomy, level of fitness, and the area being treated. In general, patients can expect to undergo 4 treatments in 2 weeks.
Of course, I will continue to offer coolsculpting dual treatments to eliminate fat overlying the muscles. Cooltone is a great adjuvent treatment to coolsculpting!
I expect to receive the Cooltone device the week of December 9th and I will start offering treatments early January 2020 at both my Eden Prairie, MN and Maple Grove, MN offices!
Happy Holidays!
Dr. Hanson
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