
Holly Hanson, MD
Board-Certified Dermatologist located in Eden Prairie, MN & Maple Grove, MN
Eczema affects more than 31 million Americans, causing itchiness, inflammation, patchiness, and all-around annoying skin problems. The good news is that eczema can be treated. You can rely on board-certified dermatologist Holly Hanson, MD, in Eden Prairie, and Maple Grove, Minnesota, for expert help. Book your appointment for eczema relief in the Minneapolis and Twin Cities area online or by phone today.
Eczema Q & A
What is eczema?
Eczema is a group of skin conditions that are triggered by inflammation. Atopic dermatitis is by far the most commonly occurring kind of eczema. Of the 31.6 million eczema sufferers in the U.S., almost 28 million suffer from atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis mainly affects infants and children, but can also affect adults.
What does eczema look like?
The most common type of eczema, atopic dermatitis, can appear on the face or in areas that you flex, including the knees, elbows, and neck. Atopic dermatitis causes red skin rashes that may be patchy, flaky, or ooze. Because it's often incredibly itchy, keeping kids (and even adults!) from scratching can be challenging.
Other forms of eczema can look quite different from atopic dermatitis. These include:
- Seborrheic dermatitis: starts on the scalp or face, can appear as flakes or scales
- Contact dermatitis: red and rough skin, caused by irritants
- Discoid eczema: round patches starting on legs, arms, or trunk
- Pompholyx: blisters on hands and feet
- Asteatotic eczema: cracked-looking skin, starts on shins in older adults
- Varicose eczema: inflammation around veins, usually in older adults
If you or your child has some of these eczema symptoms, prompt treatment is important to get relief. Dr. Hanson performs a full exam to diagnose the type of eczema you have so she can provide effective treatment.
How is eczema treated?
Eczema treatment requires not only Dr. Hanson's help but also your own dedication to lifestyle changes. Dr. Hanson may suggest changes such as:
- Increased water consumption to help you retain moisture
- Using skin products specially formulated for eczema
- Using protective gloves, when needed
Lifestyle changes combined with customized eczema treatment can give you relief from eczema symptoms. Dr. Hanson may prescribe:
- Topical medications: corticosteroids, PDE4 inhibitors, or topical calcineurin inhibitors
- Oral medication: systemic or biologic drugs
- Phototherapy: exposure to controlled ultraviolet B light
You may need to try a few different treatments before finding what works best for your particular case of eczema.
Dr. Hanson supports you now and in the long-term as you cope with your eczema. Although there’s not currently a cure for eczema, there’s no reason that you have to suffer when there are so many effective treatments available.
Schedule your appointment using the online tool or by phone to get relief from your eczema symptoms today.